Thursday, December 18, 2008

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Let me just start by saying, I never knew I would be SO BUSY, having 4 children, ages 5 and under! I barely have time to catch my breath during the day! Most days I never even look in the mirror until 5 or 10 minutes before Jason gets home from work, so I can look somewhat presentable. I don't want to completely let myself go, although it would be much easier.
I find that the only peace and quiet I get is at 2 or 3 in the morning while I'm feeding the baby.
So needless to say, we don't really have that much time to do blog postings.
I even contemplated, quitting the blog altogether, but then realized I could probably manage to do one post a month.
So here it is: our post for the month of December.

A Few of My Favorite Things

Reflecting on the real meaning of Christmas.
Christ, the hope of mankind, coming as a little, baby to earth.

Christmas babies!

Baking and decorating Christmas cookies.

Decorating the tree.

Rearranging the ornaments that the kids put on.
You know, the branches that are weighed down with 3 or 4 ornaments.

Kids who are so bundled that they can barely move or bend.

Spending "quality time" with family.
Jason and 2 of our brothers-in-law, on their iPods.

Making the kids shovel all the snow!
(Actually Isaac loves shoveling snow. He isn't just posing for the camera)

Have a Wonderful Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!!